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Interior Design Done Right


It is very important to begin the design process with a well thought out plan.  To put it simply, this is where we determine what should be included in your space and how it will 'fit'. At this stage, I will  create a functional plan for the space. I will measure your room and come up with a design and functional layout. This includes size and scale of furniture, and consideration of walkways and traffic flow. I take into account the many ways in which a space is used, and how it may need to be changed or adapted in the future.


During the spatial planning stage we will nail down the layout of the space.  After your review we will commit your plan to paper. This provides everyone involved with the facts they need to do their job efficiently.  Your drawing will serve as the compass navigating us towards your goal.


I will generate the design that is most suitable to your specific needs. Let me help you create a well thought out plan so we can take your home to the next level!

Contact me today and book a consultation.

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